2023-06 Nanook Lodge by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
  1. David Pitts' Gallery
  2. 2023-06 Nanook Lodge2023-06 Nanook Lodge
We had two boats. This one is called Tin Man and I thought the people on that boat would appreciate a nice shot of themselves.
Dinner in the air.
Catch check.
Pacific Whitesided Dolphin
Checking to see what he caught.
Too much lens! This is uncropped.
This is just a fraction of the eagles that were there.
It gets competitive at times.
Belted Kingfisher
Too much lens! This is uncropped.
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
Great Blue Heron in the morning light.
Humpback Whale fluke.
Perfect pose. There were lots of Black Bears about.

Eagles out the wazoo!

This was another trip with Mark Smith. I have done eagles with Mark at Conowingo Dam and in Seabeck, WA. This was the motherload!

Nanook Lodge is on Stuart Island in British Columbia, Canada. The accomodations were great and it made a great place to stay when we were not out shooting eagles. With a camera.

When the tides are moving the hake (smallish white fish) get pushed up from the depths and their air bladder inflates and they float to the surface. Eagles make a meal out of them in short order. We often saw 100 or more Bald Eagles at a time.

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