2024-06 Nanook Lodge by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
  1. David Pitts' Gallery
  2. 2024-06 Nanook Lodge2024-06 Nanook Lodge
2024-08 Svalbard
2024-07 Alaska Bears
2024-06 Nanook Lodge
2024-05 Joshua Tree
2024-05 Hector Astorga
2024-03 The Nuthouse
2024-02 Lochloosa
2024-02 Curacao
2024-01 Yellowstone in Winter
2023-12 Everglades
2023-10 Scotland
2023-08 Alaska Bears
2023-07 Botswana
2023-06 Nanook Lodge
2023-04 Florida
2023-02 The Nut House
2022-12 Bosque Del Apache
2022-10 Costa Rica
2022-09 Yellowstone
2022-08 Denali and Interior Alaska
2022-05 Washington Coast Eagles
2022-04 Blue Cypress Lake
2022-03 Central Florida
2022-02 Canyons of Utah
2021-10 Great Smoky Mountains
2019-09 Moab
2019-02 Aurora Borealis

Nanook Lodge 2024

This was my second visit to Nanook Lodge. Once again Mark Smith and his son Torin were there and made everything great. The eagles were in abundance and the weather was almost too nice. Day one we had some overcast which was actually perfect. Day two was about the same but day 3 and 4 the sun was shining brightly which definitely complicates matters. Bald Eagles have a white head that gets blown out easily so you have to lower the exposure and the body just comes out very dark. Lets just say that some localized editing is required.

But, it was another great trip and Sam Anderson, our host, made us quite comfortable at the Lodge and kept us fed. I met some folks from last year and some new folks. All in all, a great trip.

Nice Catch
I don't shoot a lot of video, but this one will explain how we got so many great shots of bald eagles. These guys are swarming because of the Hake (fish) being pushed to the top by the current.
This is full frame right out of the camera. I might have been too close.
Graceful new adult. Still a little bit of color in the head feathers.
What the hell Earl?
I was finally looking the right way at the right time and got this one head on.
Snack time.
Close up. This is cropped a good bit.
The moment.
Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
Black Bear
Harbor Seals are referred to by the locals as "Rock Sausage".
Another Rock Sausage just hanging out in the sun.
Full Frame straigjht out of the camera. This one was close!
With all the competition for food it sometimes pays to eat it on the fly.
Bald Eagle in flight.
Full Frame straigjht out of the camera. This one was close!
In a target rich environment you get lots of chances for every pose.
This is my best fighting shot of the week.
Nice shot of the other boat.
Impending contact.
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