2024-05 Hector Astorga by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
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  2. 2024-05 Hector Astorga2024-05 Hector Astorga
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2024-05 Hector Astorga
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Santa Clara Ranch - South Texas

Hector Astorga is a noted wildlife photographer and he hosts this nature shoot at his home ranch in South Texas. I flew into McAllen, TX which is practically on the border of Mexico.

I spent 3 full days shooting from various blinds on the property, most of them over watering holes. I shot over 20,000 frames as the opportunities were endless, it seemed.

It was an awesome trip. The Roadrunner was on my "must get" list and we definitely got them. Javelinas were another favorite.

Roadrunner displaying for a mate?
Pyrrhuloxia hop. I know it looks like a messed up Cardinal. It is someitmes called a Desert Cardinal.
Black-crested Titmouse
Bobwhite Quail vocalizing.
Mexican Ground Squirrel
Bobwhite Quail
Caracara and Mockingbird. The Mockingbirds were relentless in harrassing the Caracaras.
Mexican Ground Squirrel
Bronzed Cowbird
Bronzed Cowbird preparing to hover for a female.
Bobwhite and bunny
Bobwhite Quail
Bobwhite Quail
Bronzed Cowbird
Roadrunner with Walking Stick insect.
Painted Bunting
Long Billed Thrasher
Bronzed Cowbird composite hovering for a female.
Mr. Roadrunner giving Mr. Lizard a ride.
Harris's Hawks in love
Crested Caracara
Crested Caracara
Crested Caracaras doing battle
Harris's Hawk
Harris's Hawk
Caracara and Mockingbird. The Mockingbirds were relentless at times.
Harris's Hawk
Caracaras doing battle.
Painted Bunting
Mexican Ground Squirrel
Mexican Ground Squirrel scuffle
Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Woodpecker/Ground Squirrel dispute. The squirrel stood his ground.
Golden-fronted Woodpecker
Roadrunner with a Grasshopper
Green Jay
Boat-Tailed Grackle
Green Jay
Pyrrhuloxia. I know it looks like a messed up Cardinal. It is someitmes called a Desert Cardinal.
Crested Caracara
Roadrunner in a tree.
Great Kiskadee
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