2024-07 Alaska Bears by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
  1. David Pitts' Gallery
  2. 2024-07 Alaska Bears2024-07 Alaska Bears
2024-08 Svalbard
2024-07 Alaska Bears
2024-06 Nanook Lodge
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2023-08 Alaska Bears
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2023-06 Nanook Lodge
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Alaska Bears 2024

This was my 9th trip with BCJ and my 5th trip with Trevor LaClair. I also met Casey Mannes for the first time. Both guys were great, which is typical for any Backcountry Journey Trip.

We did a fly-in to one location or another every day. Brooks Falls was crowded on the Monday that I went. Others in the group said it was better later in the week. I only went there once and I only got on the platform once. Brooks is the place where you see the picture of the bear on top of the falls catching the jumping salmon. Not on my trip. But, the rest of the locations more than made up for it.

Success! The fish always looks so surprised
Tools of the trade, or "murder mittens" as Mark Smith might call them.
These small falls were very cool and we were the only humans there. Much smaller than Brooks Falls but much more private.
At one point we had 17 bears all around us. If they had ill intent we would have been quite dead.
These are the very last pictures we took when hiking back in from the falls. These cubs are called coys. Cub of the Year. Its a designation for cubs born this spring.
Momma posing with the coys.
Young bear learing to fish.
Mom and cubs. These look like they are about 2 years old.
Momma teaching fishing.
Momma will provide.
Mom and cubs. These look like they are about 2 years old.
Brown Bear
Porcupine in a tree at Brooks Falls
Mom and cub.
Mom and cub.
Brown Bear eating salmon
Mom and cub.
Bear cub.
Mom and cub.
Brown Bear at Brooks Falls
Merganser ducklings on a log at Brooks Falls.
Mom and cub.
Just a baby.
Mom and cub.
Brown Bear in the sedge grass.
Mom and cub.
Mom and cub.
Mom and cub.
Mom and cub.
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