Oslo by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
  1. David Pitts' Gallery
  2. 2024-08 Svalbard
  3. OsloOslo
Polar Bears
Not Polar Bears
This was the view out our window at the Grand Hotel Oslo. We were right next to the Parliment building and EVERY SINGLE DAY somebody was protesting something. This was in support of Ukraine. The war actually has a big impact on Norway because Ukraine was a major grain supplier until the war disrupted that.
Cobblestones. Need I say more?
The bar at the top of the Grand Hotel. We were very tired from the travel.
Sculpture in downtown Oslo.
Ice in Norway. You would not think it would be so rare. They just don't use it that much in their drinks. This was a welcome change!
A small dose of Norway's historic culture.
The Vigeland sculpture park at Frogner in Oslo is one of the most unique sculpture parks in the world. Here, you'll see more than 200 sculptures by the artist Gustav Vigeland, which makes it the world's largest sculpture park made by a single artist.
Reindeer Pizza. Meh.
Every single sculpture was of naked people. I'm not sure if he was a nudist, but he wasnt shy about the human anatomy. This sculpture was carved in place from a single piece of granite.
This carving is outside City Hall. This is where the Nobel Peace Prize is given by the Nobel Committee. Only the peace prize is given in Oslo. The rest are give in Stockholm.
You know you are a stranger in a strange land when the Pizza menu does not have the word pepperoni on it anywhere. Blasphemy!
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