2024-10 Monterey Bay Whales - David Pitts Photographer

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Monterey Bay California - October 2024

This was my 11th trip with BCJ, my second with Jon Resnick and my third with Grant Ordelheide. Both are great guys and very good photo guides.

Wendy doesn't ask for much but when we were talking about trips to take she said she wanted to see a whale breach. I said I'd like to see that too and I said I'd schedule as many trips as it took to get that. Seeing it was primary, photographing it was secondary.

It took one trip. Grant had told us about the Monterey trip in 2023 in Botswana and I booked it as soon as it was announced.

Our first breach had Wendy standing at the stern of the boat and the whale breach COMPLETELY about 40 feet off the stern with it's belly toward the boat. When I say completely I mean it came completely out of the water. Wendy turned to me stunned with tears in her eyes. Mission accomplished. Of course I got no shot at all but Grant did. Hopefully he'll put it up somewhere and we will get to see it.


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