2024-06 Nanook Lodge - David Pitts Photographer

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Nanook Lodge - British Columbia - June 2024

This was my second visit to Nanook Lodge. Once again Mark Smith and his son Torin were there and made everything great. The eagles were in abundance and the weather was almost too nice. Day one we had some overcast which was actually perfect. Day two was about the same but day 3 and 4 the sun was shining brightly which definitely complicates matters. Bald Eagles have a white head that gets blown out easily so you have to lower the exposure and the body just comes out very dark. Lets just say that some localized editing is required.

But, it was another great trip and Sam Anderson, our host, made us quite comfortable at the Lodge and kept us fed. I met some folks from last year and some new folks. All in all, a great trip.

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