2024-01 Yellowstone in Winter - David Pitts Photographer

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Yellowstone - January 2024

This was the first photo trip of 2024 and it was a bit unusual. After flying into Bozeman and making our way to West Yellowstone, I got a terrible toothache. I tried Ibruprofin and over-the-counter remedies, but it hurt like hell.

Fortunately for me, on day one we saw the wolves. During our pre-trip meeting with Trevor LaClair of BCJ I said that my goal was to get a wall-hanger or two (always my goal) and preferably of wolves. Wow. Nailed it. One is hanging on my wall right now!

My trip was cut short after two days of photography by the toothache and I bailed out and flew home. It sucked but I needed Dental care!

The tooth is fine now after a root canal and a crown. I'm grateful that the wolves were on day one and not on day three, or I would have completely missed out.

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