2022-10 Costa Rica - David Pitts Photographer

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Osa Peninsula Costa Rica - October 2022

Wendy went with me on this trip to Costa Rica. It was our first time there. I signed up with Mark Smith for this trip and it was truly awesome. As you can see below, wildlife was abundant. We stayed at a very nice resort and Wendy did not spend much time with the group doing photography but relaxed at the resort.

Costa Rica is hot ya'll. I sweated more there than anywhere I've ever been. It actually was not too terribly hot, but the humidity was about 99% some days. I would return completely drenched. One day I just walked into the shower fully clothed to rinse the sweat from my clothes. It felt like heaven.

My bucket list item was the red-eyed tree frog and we got some truly good shots of it. Instead of letting us gringos wander through the forest and stomping all over everything they sent wranglers out the night before to collect creatures for us to see up close. Once the pictures were done, back in the forest they go.

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