2022-08 Denali and Interior Alaska - David Pitts Photographer

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Denali and Interior Alaska - August 2022

This was my third trip with Backcountry Journeys and as I've come to expect, the photographer/guide was excellent.

Alex Hansen is an accomplished outdoorsman and photographer, and just a nice guy to boot. I had a great trip with a very agreeable group.

Denali National Park itself disappointed on the promised abundance of wildlife, but we saw a lot of beautiful country. Landing on Ruth Glacier was a highlight. Staying at the Sheldon Chalet in this picture is $35,000 for a three night stay, per couple. We stayed elsewhere.

We started in Fairbanks and then traveled to Denali, Talkeetna, Chickaloon, Valdez, and Delta Junction. It was awesome but we saw a lot of the windshield. In true Alaska fashion we had rain and clouds, but if you can’t hack that, don’t go to Alaska.

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