2022-05 Washington Coast Eagles - David Pitts Photographer

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Seabeck Washington Eagles - May 2022

Near Silverdale Washington is a place called Big Beef Harbor. The Seabeck Highway runs along the harbor, and you can pull off the road and photograph the Eagles, Seagulls, Crows, and Blue Herons. There is no telling what else will fly by.

This was another tour and group with Mark Smith. Some of Mark’s tours are basically show up and shoot. This was one of those. He’s a great guy and can help you with any camera or settings issues you might have, especially if you are shooting Sony gear, like I do.

On day one we arrived before sunrise, but we were not trying to beat the sun, just the tide. It was cold as a witches tit, and misting rain. Not the most comfortable circumstances. Thankfully, we were not there only one day as activity on day one was dreadfully slow. The trip would have been a total bust. I was there for Bald Eagles and at the end of day one I had two keepers.

Day two was much better. Not any more comfortable at first, but much more productive in terms of birds to look at and shoot.

In the end, I got some shots I’m happy with.

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