Not Polar Bears by David Pitts
David Pitts's Gallery David Pitts's Gallery
  1. David Pitts' Gallery
  2. 2024-08 Svalbard
  3. Not Polar BearsNot Polar Bears
Polar Bears
Not Polar Bears
Walrus group lying around. I think that they do this a lot This is called a Huddle of Walrus..
Walrus swimming. They are curious and usually not agressive. The other Zodiak got punctured by a Walrus tusk though. Sounds agressive to me! The guide and guests were stunned. Fortunately only one chamber deflated. Nobody got the photo though, dangit.
Ice detail
The only seal I saw on the trip. I was up very early and I was the only photographer to get this shot.
Atlantic Puffin keeping watch.
Reindeer. Yves said it was counter-lit. I think backlit is the common term.
Kitty Wakes taking flight from an iceberg.
Atlantic Puffin coming in for a landing.
Atlantic Puffins on the cliffs.
Iceberg waterfalls. I think they have been doing this for hundreds of years. I don't think it is a new phenomenon.
Virgo sitting in the Ice at about 81 degrees North Latitude. Virgo is not an "Ice Breaker" but it has a high "ice rating". Whatever that means.
The good ship (boat?) Virgo looks like it is floating in the air. The horizon line is almost invisible.
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